Abstract One page abstract will be submitted to the e-mail address: conference@tritium2022.ro. The abstract format should be a file with .doc, .docx or .rtf extension. A template of the abstract can be seen here. Please provide in the email the topic of the abstract and the type of presentation, oral or poster. The abstract filename will have the following format: "first_name_last_name_topic number.filetype" (ex.: sebastian_brad_5.doc). The conference topics can be found here. The abstracts should be submitted by email before 15th September 2022. The abstracts will be published in the Tritium 2022 book of abstracts and will be distributed at the conference to participants.
Paper submission We are pleased to inform that the submitted papers for the 13th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology will be published in a special issue of the Fusion Science and Technology journal. All the manuscript will go through a peer review process and must meet Fusion Science and Technology’s peer review requirements before it is accepted for publication. The cost of publication in the special issue of the Fusion Science and Technology journal will be sustained from sponsorships. The papers must be submitted not later than 25th November 2022. The invitation and instructions for the paper submission process can be found here.
Oral presentation The organizers of the 13th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology wish that most of the participants in this event present orally their latest research developments. In this sense, we have focused our efforts on providing you with enough presentation locations, on different topics. Duration allocated to the presentations will be announced in due time. The accepted formats are PowerPoint and PDF. Presentations must be submitted electronically one day before the presentation in plenary. For the parallel sessions of the oral presentations will be prepared several meeting rooms.
Poster presentation The maximum accepted poster sizes are 841 mm x 1189 mm (standard A0 size). The poster session will take place in the Merope (1+2) and Electra (1+2) meeting rooms adapted for poster presentation and equipped with panels on which the posters will be mounted. The panels will be inscribed and the program will indicate the corresponding number for each poster. The posters can be handed in at the registration office and they will be placed by the organizers or can be installed by the participants. Data for the posters presentation will be decided based on the number of received papers. At least one of the authors of the poster must participate for all duration of the presentation session. A template of the poster can be seen here.
The exhibition area has 15 booths, with adaptable dimensions at the exhibitor's request. The maximum booth area is 6 m2. The fees can be found here.